    Foreword / 序




    1999年,上世纪的最后一个秋天, 刚刚开始懵懂建筑学习的我,对于即将要参与到这个伟大的国家了又一轮“大跃进”般的建设是那么的不知觉 。而且也不可预计未来“建筑”这个词汇不仅代表所谓的理想,或许还有更多赋予的含义,反正这些不学无术的日子恍然间便不知踪迹,之后便和众多的年轻人一样,毕业,工作,迷惘,徘徊,抉择,面对着这个时代赋予我们的使命,别无选择!


    1999, the last autumn of last century, I started to learn architecture. But I had totally unawareness about that the architecture will leaps and bounds in the great motherland, and didn’t predict that “architecture” may has further meaning than ideal. After ignoramus days, I will experience graduation, work, confusion, hesitation and decision as well as numerous youth. There is no other choice when you have been endowed with a special mission by the times.



    每一个年代的青春都不会给予你足够的时间回味,就已渐行渐远,直至凋落。为了延长这份与生俱来的茫然亦执迷,2010年, 在接触建筑的第一个十年, 求学英伦,开始了另一段有关建筑与人生的探寻。


    In each era, there is no enough time for you to aftertaste youth. It fades away until the end. I went to school in England in 2010 when I have been in touch with architecture for first 10 years, for I could extend the native obsession and seek my life with architecture. 



    这段时光,与其说是求学,倒不如更像一次真正意义上的旅行:从南部古老的海港城市,到拥有世界中心般繁华的伦敦,沿着泰晤士河去探寻每个曾经以掠夺的方式聚集的文明与财富.然后,一路向北,无论曼彻斯特的现代科技,还是纽卡斯尔夜晚的灯红酒绿,都是那么让人心醉同样心碎,再接着是那宛如天空之城的爱丁堡和破败中等待复兴的艺术之都格拉斯哥,他们结合成这个古老联合王国真正的北方,最终即使在等待极光中无功而返,sky岛上那些奇趣的云团还是让我感觉宫崎骏先生笔下的画面真实存在。这段时光, 我几乎是在用双脚这种最原始的方式丈量这个国家的生命旅程, 这些城市和建筑独立与孤单,确没有阻止他们延续和即将创造的历史。


    Those days are a real sense of travel rather than study. From the south old seaport to thriving London which like the world center, I walked along the River Thames to seek for the place which gathered culture and treasure by plunder. Then I travelled north. No matter the modern science and technology in Manucunian or feasting and revelry in Newcastle, I was enchanted and heart-broken. Continue to walk, I arrived in the sky of city--Ediburgh Castle and the country of art--Glasgow which is looking for renaissance in ruined. All of these cities are composed to the old union kingdom in the north. Although I couldn’t meet the aurora, I had a great impression on cloud on sky island makes Miyazaki Hayao’animation come true.


    在爱丁堡,这个与英格兰一直抗争国家的首府,听到更多的是为自由付出一切的故事,华莱士和它的人民,当我还在索求他们理想的真谛,就已然高眺到爱丁堡的城堡,才感觉到这些告别浮华的沉重。那远处的爱丁堡城堡, 宛如一座真正的天空之城. 这种带有漂浮的神秘感, 与蓝色天空和大海间,我确定它有存在的意义-----如此已经或即将承载历史的建筑本身,是那些不断探求自由和理想人们的场所。当自己可以将所谓的建筑抛身度外,暂时忘却自己,才渐渐明晰这些场所赋予的气质,这个漫长又短暂的过程,宁静中夹杂些许的慌乱,甚至不知所措,他们不必为时间所累,也更枉然于纯粹间.也正是这时,少时心中的自由犹如昨日之梦,不仅仅没有陌路,反而更清澈,“蓝”依旧在这天空与大海间游弋, 于是,一切便已自然了。


    Edinburgh as the capital of Scotland had contended against with England. I heard a lot of stories about Wallace and his people sacrificing for freedom. Before I totally found out the truth of their ideal, I had been the heavy historical Ediburgh Castle which is away from the glitz. Between the blue sky and sea, the far away Ediburgh Castle with float and mystery likes the city of sky in real life. I know the meaning of the building existence is that it has been or will be the carrier of the history. A continuous wave of people who pursue freedom and ideal gather there. When I leave away from architecture and immerse myself in these places, I gradually understood the high temperament of these places. During the long and short process, stillness with panic, even at a loss, these places are not influenced by time. They are independent and free which strengthen my freedom dream in childhood. Everything is clear. “Blue” still percolates through the sky and sea.



    “博蓝” ,即是BULE(蓝色) 的译音, 一种喜欢且有张力的颜色,很有趣的是也映射到了自己的名字, 自然也让自己那点小小的虚荣得到满足,原来也这么容易满足。 


    On the one side, “Bolan” means “Blue” which is my favorite tensional color, on the other, it reflects my name. Absolutely, I’m satisfied with the little pockets of vanity.


    转瞬间,我们的这个团队从筹划开始已经经历第五个年头,最能开心的,不是金钱与名利的饱满 ,而是内心的强大和宁静。尽管无法脱尽繁华与浮躁,也并非出世的无欲,但还是可以追求,起码有追求的权利,因此会断续的回避浮华的设计与盲目的建造,不仅仅是依旧深爱的这份土地,或许还有我们自己染尘内心的救赎吧。


    How time flies!Our company has been established for 5 years. The happiest thing is to gain my inner strength and peace. It is none of business with money and fame. Although I can neither get rid of the impetuous nor the ordinary. I still efforts to prevent architecture from foppish and blind, and pursue the high quality of architecture. It is not only I deeply love my motherland, but want to redeem our souls.













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